DSM® Vitamin C of European production

What are the benefits?

Our company was established due to our observations from clinical trials, revealing significant variations in results based on the origin of the vitamin C. Did you know that 95% of the vitamin C available in the market originates from China?
Comparatively our vitamin exhibits a finer texture, akin to flour, and effortlessly dissolves in water without leaving any insoluble residues. Furthermore, the results on the body are 10 times more effective. Conversely, sourcing from China may involve substances of uncertain provenance, lower quality, lack of regulation, and frequently, absence of registration with the EU's health authorities. 

Immune system Boost

Helps maintain and fortify the normal functioning of the immune system, helping in preventing and shielding against colds, coughs, fever, and seasonal illnesses by stimulating the activity of white blood cells.

Especially important for immunocompromised patients, those with chronic illnesses, or individuals battling cancer

Natural Antioxidant

Neutralises Free Radicals: Unstable molecules that can cause damage to cells and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer.
Reduce inflammation in the body by neutralizing oxidative stress and decreasing inflammatory markers

Skin Healing

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein vital for maintaining skin health. It accelerates the healing of wounds by supporting the formation of new connective tissue and speeding up the recovery process. It also helps in protecting the skin from damage caused by UV exposure and environmental pollutants

Protects your organs

Vitamin C helps maintain healthy blood vessels by preventing oxidative damage to cholesterol, which may reduce the risk of heart disease. It also plays a role in protecting eye health by reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, which can be caused by oxidative stress.

  • As someone with sensitive skin, finding a Vitamin C supplement that didn't upset my stomach or cause breakouts was a challenge. Pure C Labs® changed the game for me. Their Premium European Quality Vitamin C is gentle on my system, and the improvement in my skin's radiance is undeniable. I finally found a Vitamin C supplement that not only supports my health but also enhances my natural glow
    Emily S.
  • As a fitness enthusiast, I'm particular about what I put into my body. Pure C Labs® Premium European Quality Vitamin C has become an integral part of my daily routine. Not only does it support my immune system, but it also aids in post-workout recovery. Since I started using it, I've noticed reduced muscle soreness and increased stamina. It's the premium fuel my body needs
    David L.
  • "After struggling with fatigue and a weakened immune system, I stumbled upon Pure C Labs®. Their Premium European Quality Vitamin C has been a game-changer! Within weeks of using it, I noticed a significant boost in my energy levels, and I haven't been down with a cold since. It's like a vitality infusion in a bottle! I can't recommend it enough."

    Sarah H.